Reuse arguments from last command

Posted on 22 Mar, 2022

Get all of the arguments:

<command> !*

Get only the last argument:

<command> !$

Get nth arguments

If you want a single argument from a list of arguments from the previous command, you can use !!:


ls foo/ bar/ baz/
ls !:2 # Gives the results of ls bar/
ls foo/ bar/ baz/
ls !:1 # Gives the results of ls foo/

Index of shortcuts:

!^      first argument
!$      last argument
!*      all arguments
!:2     second argument

!:2-3   second to third arguments
!:2-$   second to last arguments
!:2*    second to last arguments
!:2-    second to next to last arguments

!:0     the command
!!      repeat the previous line

Keyboard shortcuts

<command> Esc.: To get last argument of previous command

Last updated