Memoization helps save computation of things that have already been computed by saving them for future use. In this example we use golang generics to implement a Memoized() function that can handle use-case.
// Required Go 1.18 or greaterpackagemainimport"fmt"typeFibonacciDeffunc(int) intfuncMemoize[K comparable, T any](fn func(K) T) func(K) T {// Type K needs to be comparable (and hashable) since we used it as a map Key// Type T is any type that can act as a map value cache :=make(map[K]T)returnfunc(n K) T {if val, ok := cache[n]; ok {return val }// add to cache if not found cache[n] = fn(n)return cache[n] }}funcmain() {var memoizedFib FibonacciDefvar simpleFib FibonacciDef memoizedFib = Memoize(func(num int) int {if num <2 {return num }return memoizedFib(num-1) + memoizedFib(num-2) }) simpleFib =func(num int) int {if num <2 {return num }return simpleFib(num-1) + simpleFib(num-2) } fmt.Println(memoizedFib(50))// takes more than 1 minute to compute fmt.Println(simpleFib(50))}