Line Discipline in Unix/Linux Machines

Posted on 06 July, 2020

Line discipline handles things like backspace and also generates various signals for special characters like Ctrl + C/Z etc.

stty -a will display all these settings. To know more do man ssty.


Other than Ctrl+c and Ctrl+z which you already know about. Here are some other tricks.

Fire up your terminal. And start typing....

Apart from these line input specific keyboard shortcuts. We also have ...

Multiline Input

Use / for continuing the multiline input.

bhupesh@dev: hello my name\
> my boi\
> hoooo\

A better version


echo -e "Enter Commit Message (Ctrl+d to stop) : "

echo -e "\n\n$commit_message"

Make it executable and run.

Enter Commit Message (Ctrl+d to stop) : 
- fixed bug #454
- Increase reponse time
- style fixes

- fixed bug #454
- Increase reponse time
- style fixes

All of this is controlled by the tty driver


Last updated