This by default renders the diffed version history of the file over time. This can be suppressed by -q flag after that we can use awk to look for pattern Date.
This will grab the date of each commit which modified this file!
Here is simple script that will list last commit date of each file inside a git repo.
#!/usr/bin/env bash# Utility to list last commit date of each file in a git repo[[ !-d".git" ]] &&echo-e"Not a git repo"&&exit1for file in $(du--exclude='.git'-a.|awk'{ print $2 }'); doif [[ -f"${file:2}" ]]; then commit_date=$(gitlog--follow-q--"${file:2}"|awk'/Date/ { print $4,$3,$6 }'|head-1) [[ "$commit_date" ]] &&printf"%12s : %s\n""$commit_date""${file:2}"fidone