Routines: Functions & Procedures
Posted on 27 Jan, 2021 _________ Routines ________ | | Functions Procedures (Returns a value) (Doesn't return a value)
Best practices
A routine should not w/r global variables instead it should communicate with other routines.
A routine should have a single, clearly defined purpose (1 Task = 1 Routine)
Hide Pointer Operation:
Isolate pointer operations in routines by this you can be certain that the code is correct & if in future you find a better data type then pointers you can change the program without traumatizing your code.
Use a function if the primary purpose of the routine is to return the value indicated by function "name" otherwise use a procedure.
Don't hesitate to create small functions even if the operation seems one or two liner
Make sure a function always returns a valid value (mentally exercise each possible control flow path).
Don't return references or pointers to local data since they will be out of scope once the function completes instead save the information as a class/struct member data.
Make sure cohesion is strong inside a function, below are some types of cohesion you need to worry about
Functional Cohesion: It is the strongest and best kind of cohesion (a routine performs one & only one operation). E.g.
.Sequential Cohesion: I exists when a routine contains operation that must be performed in a specific order, that share data from step to step & that don't make up a complete function when done together.
Temporal Cohesion: It occurs when operations are combined into a routine because they are all done at the same time. E.g
. Functions like these tend to be a hodgepodge of code to fix this think of temporal routines as organisers of other events. Startup() for e.g would read a config file, setup a memory manager etc. Make the temporal routine to perform specific activities rather than performing operations directly itself.Logical Cohesion: It occurs when several operations are stuffed into the same routine & one of the operations is selected by a control flag that's passed in. Instead of having using a flag to decide on operation its cleaner to have n routines each of which does 1 distinct operation. If the operations use the same code or share data the code should be moved into a lower level routine & all the routines should be packaged into a class/module. Its all right to write a logically cohesive routine if its code consist solely of a series of if or case statements calls to other routines (only dispatching commands), its generally called a "event handler".
Naming a routine()
Avoid meaningless, vague verbs for e.g
. The verb is vague because the operation performed by the routine are vague. The routine suffers from weakness of purpose & the weak name is a symptom.Make names of routines as long as necessary and possible (9-15 chars)
To name a function, use a description of return value.
To name a procedure, use a strong verb + object. E.g
Put parameters in "INPUT-MODIFY-OUTPUT" order i.e, list the parameters that are input first, input-and-output second & output only third.
Put status or error variables last (think Go errors)
Don't use routine parameters as working variables. It's dangerous to use the parameters passed in a routine as working variables use local variables instead (think formal/actual parameters)
Most of the stuff documented here is inspired and/or taken from the legendary books: Clean Code & Code Complete. This can be understood as a summary of some chapters from these books.
Last updated